Courses for You

On Demand Course
Start with Strengths

Apply science-based practices to activate your strengths, boost happiness and improve well-being.

On Demand Course
Positive Relationships Mini-Course

Explore this asynchronous mini-course emphasizing strengths-based strategies to create stronger, more meaningful relationships.

On Demand Course
Mindfulness and Strengths in Daily Life + Mindfulness Report

Learn how to authentically engage with your strengths in everyday experiences.

On Demand Course
Positive Relationships Extended Course

Explore strengths-based strategies to create stronger, more meaningful relationships.

On Demand Course
Navigating Transitions

Discover how to rely on your character strengths to guide you through life changes.

Live Course
Mindfulness-Based Strengths Practice (MBSP)

Learn research-based skills to increase self-awareness, improve relationships and manage problems.

Courses for Leading Others

Live Course
Mindfulness-Based Strengths Practice Certification

Experience exclusive training to lead others in MBSP with this program from the practice's creator.

On Demand Course
Character Strengths Interventions: Learning to Unleash What's Best In You and Your Clients

We are partnering with MentorCoach LLC, the leading Positive Psychology coach training school, to present this 8-week unique learning experience.

Are you a professional? You too can use these courses to elevate your work with clients, students or employees.

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VIA Course Leaders

Dr. Ryan Niemiec

Ryan M. Niemiec, PsyD, is author or co-author of nine books, an award-winning psychologist and a widely traveled international speaker. Ryan is the creator of MBSP and has led hundreds of mindfulness groups over the last two decades. As education director of the global nonprofit, VIA Institute on Character, he's a leading voice in the education, research, and practice of character strengths. He lives with his family, which includes three young and zestful children, near Cincinnati, Ohio.

Dr. Donna Mayerson

Dr. Donna Mayerson, advisor for the VIA Institute, was Co-Founder of Hummingbird Coaching Services, LLC and Chief Coaching Officer. She was responsible for developing Hummingbird's training model and for maintaining its integrity. She was also Co-Founder of VIA Institute on Character, which has played an important role in helping to establish a new discipline in the field of psychology - positive psychology. In addition to her role as advisor for VIA, she is the director of clinical services with the Ohio Innocence Project providing an array of services and supports to the lawyers, staff, students, and freed clients. She also works through a charitable family foundation with nonprofits in the Cincinnati area.